caffe ERINA

We have two types, "WET & DRY". Can you keep regular customer's secret for enjoying WET Curry Yakisoba longer? "DUMP a bowl of rice into the leftover soup!!"
カレー焼きそば 780円(税込)
curryyakisoba 780yen

カレー焼きそば 780円(税込)
curryyakisoba 780yen

The curry soup compliments the firm texture of the noodles and it has a different charm from our own. I thank the very active and friendly master for his leadership of our Curry Yakisoba Association. by Tamura
店舗名 branch name | カフェ・レスト絵梨奈 caffe ERINA |
住所 address | 宮津市字万年1015- 1 1015-1 Man-nen, Miyazu-shi, Kyoto 626-0008 |
電話 telephone # | ☎ 0772-22-2727 |
営業時間 hours | 10:00~22:00 11am-10am; Mon-Sun |
定休日 shop holidays | 第2・第4日曜日 Every 2nd & 4th Sunday |
チャート chart | 微ドライ Little dry |
チャート2 chart2 | ウェット Wet |