お食事処 糸仲
restaurant ITONAKA

This is "THE" TEISHOKU-YA (restaurant mainly offering set meals).
Actually, Curry Yakisoba is not a regular menu here. You should order by saying "Curry Taste, please".
カレー焼きそば 650円(税込)
curryyakisoba 650yen

The flavor of tender curry mixed with Japanese Worcestarshir sauce stimulates my appertite. Shovel the Curry Yakisoba of "THE TEISHOKU-YA" into your mouth!! by Erina
店舗名 branch name | お食事処 糸仲 restaurant ITONAKA |
住所 address | 宮津市鶴賀2061 2061 Tsuruga, Miyazu-shi, Kyoto 626-0041 |
電話 telephone # | ☎ 0772-22-1080 |
営業時間 hours | 11:00~14:00頃 17:00~20:30頃 祝日11:00~14:00頃 11am-2pm, 5pm-8.30pm (on national holiday:11am-2pm); Mon-Sat |
定休日 shop holidays | 休/日曜日 Sunday |
チャート chart | 微ウェット Little wet |